IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » nursing » Undergraduate » Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) » Academic Standing & Progression


Academic Standing & Progression

After admission to the BSN Program, placement in nursing courses for the academic year is based on a priority ranking system.

Good Standing

Students who maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 and earn a grade of “C” (2.0) or better in all required general education and didactic courses and a grade of “S” in all required practicum/clinical courses and are progressing normally will be considered in good standing.

Out of Sequence (OOS)

A student who has maintained the minimum cumulative GPA, and earned a passing grade in all required courses, but who has interrupted his/her course of study, or is in part time study in tracks in which a dictated full time progression plan is in place (e.g. not applicable to RN to BSN students whose plan of study is flexible) is considered out of sequence. Once an out of sequence student has been permanently placed in a new cohort in full time study, (and after one initial successful semester following the interruption or transfer) he/she is no longer out of sequence and is in good standing. This does not include part time students and temporary transfer students who are always considered out of sequence. (For more information, students may refer to the BSN Academic Standing Policy, H_07).

Students who have interrupted their program of study for any reason or desiring transfer to an IUSON core campus are required to submit a written request to the chairperson of the BSN C/SA Admission, Progression, and Graduation (APG) Committee. Students seeking reentry should make their request (received by the APG committee) by March 15 for fall semester and September 15 for spring. All requests for reentry will be evaluated on the basis of the availability of resources. Reentry of students who have interrupted their study for any reason is not guaranteed. Students who reenter must adhere to the policies and curriculum of the School of Nursing that are in effect at the time of reentry. Transfer students should refer to the student transfer policies for details (H_21 Student Permanent Transfer; H_22 Student Temporary Transfer; H_23 Student Permanent Transfer from Other University).

Progression in coursework in the nursing major

Nursing courses must be taken in the sequence indicated in the curriculum plan. A student must complete the entire level of nursing courses before progressing to the next level. Exceptions to this may be granted by the APG committee, or may be in place by agreement for particular tracks or courses in the BSN plan of study (students should confer with a nursing advisor).

Academic Probation
A student will be placed on academic probation when any of the following conditions exist: 
  1. The cumulative GPA falls below “C” (2.0) 
  2. The semester GPA falls below “C” (2.0)  
  3. A grade below “C” (2.0) has been received in a required didactic course, or a grade of “F” has been earned in a required practicum/clinical course-this includes required general education courses, as well as nursing major courses.
  4. A Failing grade may be given for the following: Failure to meet course objectives; Academic dishonesty, misconduct, or personal misconduct as defined by Indiana University; Unsafe clinical behavior: including (but not limited to) HIPAA violations, breaking agency policies, breaking course rules related to clinical behavior

Students who are on Academic Probation Shall:

  1. Meet with the Director of Diversity and Enrichment at IUPUI or the appropriate Academic Advisor or designee on the Bloomington campus at least three times per semester to plan for academic success; 
  2. Complete a required plan for tutoring/remediation during the time period in which he/she is on probation. This plan is completed with the Director of Diversity and Enrichment at IUPUI, or the appropriate Academic Advisor or designee on the Bloomington campus. Students on academic probation will not be released to register for the next semester until these conditions have been fully met.

Academic probation will be removed and returned to “good standing” when all of the following conditions exist:  

  1. The cumulative GPA returns to “C” (2.0) or higher.  
  2. The semester GPA is “C” (2.0) or higher.  
  3. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0) has been received in the required didactic courses completed, and a grade of “S” has been earned in the required practicum/clinical courses completed. All other specific conditions, if required, have been met. 
  4. The student has secured a permanent placement in a new cohort. Note: Students who have been dismissed and reinstated will remain on academic probation throughout the remainder of the program.

For more information on academic standing, progression, and probation, students may refer to the BSN Academic Standing Policy, H_07.

Last updated March 2016